12.11.21 10:23

Ivalo Arctica voyage 141 has changed


The plan for the Ivalo Arctica 141 (Pink Line) has been changed due to large volumes of cargo.

The ship sails from Aasiaat today 12 November 2021 towards Niaqornaarsuk, Kangaatsiaq and back to Aasiaat.

Saturday evening, November 13, 2021, Ivalo Arctica sails from Aasiaat towards Attu, Ikerasaarsuk, Iginniarfik (Ikerasaarsuk and Iginniarfik can be swapped due to tides or to avoid night work) and to Aasiaat.

On Monday 15 November, the ship will sail towards Kitsissuarsuit and Kangerluk from Aasiaat.

Read the plan here: https://www.ral.dk/sejlplaner/bygdeskibe/ivalo-arctica/

Subject to change.