27.11.20 12:00

Arrivals and departures for Tukuma Arctica


Tukuma Arctica voyage TUK046 (red line) is still located in Aalborg.

We expect that Tukuma Arctica will be repared during today.

Tukuma Arctica is loaded and will be ready to departure from Aalborg 11 PM local time.

Rotation for Tukuma Arctica voyage TUK046 (red line):


November 27th

Departure from Aalborg

11:00 PM

November 28th

Arrives to Aarhus

7:00 AM

November 30th

Arrives to Tórshavn

1:00 PM

December 2nd

Arrives to Reykjavik

7:00 AM

December 5th

Arrives to Nuuk

10:00 AM


Change may occur