The recruitment process
Electronic application process

To ensure the best and most effective processing of your application, we handle all out electronically at Royal Arctic Line.
At the moment, job advertisements are only listed in Greenlandic or Danish.
When you submit your application, you will receive an email immediately after, confirming that we have received it.
Unsolicited applications
Unsolicited must be sent electronically via the application form.
In addition to a motivating application and a CV, please also send diplomas, recommendations and other relevant material giving us an idea of who you are and your qualifications.
We will only contact you if we find your unsolicited application relevant.
If you meet the job profile we are looking for, we will ask you for an interview. In this case, you will typically meet the head of department and perhaps an employee from our HR.
We employ people according to their skills
Every application will be evaluated in its entirety. You must of course, be qualified for the position, but we also assign weight to your personality and how you see yourself, working for us.